馬丁先生是最適合的治療師,他非常專業,告訴我的東西都是我想听到的,不僅是從病人或醫生的角度,而是從人生的角度,馬丁先生是可以叫做我的人生導師。我非常重視他的意見,堅信他是一個我可以去尋求真實有效生活建議的人,特別是他給我的順勢療藥物,奇蹟般地在我體內起到很好的作用,我的悲傷緩慢消失,我感覺不再被困,並繼續按正確的方向前進,非常謝謝馬丁先生! ”
T. Cheung,香港
在治療過程中,他的驚人治療能力和遠見令我印象非常深刻,在他精湛的技術幫助下,不到一個小時,就已經抓住了我所處狀況下的複雜畫面,同時輔導我以我自己的方式去走正確的方向;他並提供了與我狀態合適的藥,讓我的痛苦減至零,並扭轉了體重下降的局面,讓我的生活質量越來越好,我非常感謝馬丁先生在我生命中其中之一最具挑戰性階段的時刻出現。 ”
Anna S.,德國
我很榮幸地推薦 Martin Mailaender 先生作為您公司的候選人。從2006 年起,我一直在他的哲學,順勢療法,療愈,心理血和臨場指導等方面是馬丁先生的學生,同時參與了他的研討會講座和私人諮詢,馬丁先生是一位精通以上的專業人士,豐富的經驗使他在不同難度領域的工作能做出很好的決策。馬丁先生有著非常犀利的思考能力 - 他經常提出新的想法和新的動力去從不同的角度解決問題,而令人難以置信的是,這些解決方案都極創造性。馬丁先生在這一領域是非常受人尊敬的專家,而且為人可靠。
Alexander Leistner,療愈師/順勢治療師,德國
“我肯定地誠實和強烈推薦Martin Mailaender先生的訓練和治療。
2014年,我們挑選一些患者進行輔助性治療:從女的月經痛到乳腺癌等各種不同疾病類型的患者,結果證明,被挑選的患者通過Martin Mailaender所提供的藥物治療和心理評估,都有顯著的幫助和效果“。
醫學博士,婦科專家,順勢治療師,Andrea Alverdes
Alexander Leistner,療愈師/順勢治療師,德國
我在Martin Mailaender先生的關於自我發展的研討會上認識他的,他的演說深深地打動了我,從那時起,我一直參與他定期舉辦的研討會(每週一次),進行溝通技巧培訓和性格科學研究培訓,這個對我有非常大的幫助,不僅僅是作為心理治療師的幫助,更多的是作為自我發展和身心健康。
為了希望學習更多,後來我也參加了關於治療 體系的總結和個人培訓學習,期間,我感受到了馬丁郵件先生是一個非常有能力,可靠和友好的朋友。在我看來,他擁有著無可挑剔的技巧,能在短時間內把複雜的案件簡單化,並提供切實可行的解決方案。
心理治療師Bettina Beranek-Stappert
總而言之,Martin Mailaender先生所採取的順勢療法風格,即使具有長期臨床經驗的現代醫生和心理治療師來說,也是非常豐富和值得借鑒學習的。我再次強烈推薦研究他的方法,並將其添加到本人的治療技術中“。
醫生博士Alexander Otti,德國
Just what I needed.
"I went to see Martin when my grief lasted longer than expected. I felt like I wasn't able to move on with my life and I was stuck in bouts of anxiety. I felt that seeking professional help would be the first step to making a change that I so wanted in my life. Martin was the perfect therapist for this job. He was very professional and told me what I needed to hear. Not only was the patient/doctor session great but Martin is someone who I can call a life mentor. I value his opinions and trust that he is someone I can go to for honest life advice. The homeopathic remedy he gave me worked miraculously. My grief slowly dissipated. I no longer felt stuck and was ready to move on with my life. Thank you Martin!"
Patient from Hong Kong
My cough was gone within hours.
"The last 3 weeks I have been suffering from a chronic cough, which could not be cured by antibiotics nor by other therapies that I tried. Martin asked me some questions about my workload in my company and my feelings, which I first found not related to my cough, but prescribed a medicine later, that cured my cough nearly within a few hours. I am very happy to have had his help available and can heartily recommend his treatments."
T. Cheung, Hong Kong
He brought back quality to my life.
"Mr. Mailaender was recommended to me when I had been struggling with intense chronic pain and progressive weight loss for quite some time, and all kinds of therapeutic approaches kept failing. I was deeply impressed by his amazing abilities and his clear-sightedness. Highly talented and skilled as he is, within little more than one hour of exploration, he grasped the complex picture of my condition, while at the same time counselling me to help me start working on my issues myself right away; he spotted the matching remedy which got the pain down to zero, reversed the weight loss, ... and brought back quality to my life. I´m deeply grateful to have Mr. Mailaender´s support in one of the most challenging phases of my life."
Anna S., Germany
I can honestly and warmly recommend both training and treatments with Martin Mailaender.
"It was truly a gift meeting Martin Mailänder through a mutual doctor. He showed me his new and modern method of homeopathy. Through consistent training since the beginning of 2013 Martin gave me an understanding about the theory of hermetic homeopathy and their conception of the human being. On the base of video-cases I could comprehend the practical implementation. Martin Mailänder created a fully new and cotemporary kind of homeopathy which will cross our ways in the future. His empathic line of questioning his patients is unique and very efficent for the patient. His ways of finding the nature of remedy, aimed at resolving old – for the patient harmful – crees and beliefs. He is also concentrating on the restoration of a lost microstructure of the human to be in harmony with themselves and the conception. Since 2014 we treat selected patients together, who found us to treat several gynaecological complaints. Our fields of treatments are diverse: From women with menstrual pain to patients with breast cancer, several patients have received help from Martin through his techniques of assessment and the prescribed medication. "
Dr. med. Andrea Alverdes, Gynecologist - Homeopath
Martin is a very good counsellor in all challenges of life.
"I got to know Martin Mailaender during his seminar about personal development, which deeply inspired me. Since then I have been attending regularly seminars (weekly) for communication-training and charakter-science, which proved extremely helpful, not only for my work as a psychotherapist, but even more for my personal development and wellbeing. Desiring to learn more, I also attended his very conclusive personal coachings for intelligent therapeutical work. I experienced Martin Mailaender as a very competent, reliable and friendly colleague. He posseses the fantastic skill to attune within a short time to complex pr cases and to offer practicable solutions. Furthermore, he is a very good counsellor in all challenges of life. I'm looking forward to attend more of Martin's interesting seminars in the future."
Bettina Beranek-Stappert, Psychotherapist
I was able to observe how even severe psychiatric symptoms can be successfully treated.
"One of the most spectacular examples was the case of a 30 years old women who was suffering from acute suicidal tendencies caused by Borderline Personality Disorder. Increased impulsivity, strong feelings of loneliness, and disturbed emotional regulation are the major symptoms of this chronic mental disease. Interestingly, a single application of a specific homeopathic remedy did not only lead to an immediate relieve of inner stress and affective tension, but also totally neutralized the suicidal dynamics of the patient. As shown by follow-up sessions, the effect was long-lasting and cannot be easily seen as placebo. Another convincing effect of homeopathy was seen in a 41 years old women who was suffering from compulsive hoarding and massive overweight. Two different homeopathic remedies were given. Within half a year, the patient was not only able to clean and maintain her flat but also lost over 20 kg. Even the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder can be relieved by homeopathy as shown by the case of 32 years old women. On the biographical background of sexual abuse during childhood and adolescense, she was suffering from feelings of inner stress, anxiety, nightmares, low self-esteem and guilt. The homeopathic remedy "Staphysagria" relieved the subjective feeling of being worthless and therefore reduced negative inner arousal. Taken together, I feel that the style of homeopathy which is practiced by Mr Martin Mailänder can be very enriching even for modern medical doctors and psychotherapists with long clinical experience. I can highly recommend to study his approach and to add it to one's own repertory of therapeutical techniques."
Dr. med. Alexander Otti, PhD and medical doctor, Germany
I am very grateful to have a mentor like Martin in my life.
"It is my pleasure to recommend Martin Mailaender as a candidate in your organization. From 2006 up to now I have been Martin's student in various subjects concerning Philosophy, Homoeopathy, Hermetic, Psychology and Supervision. His lectures were given in study circles and private sessions. Martin is a well-versed professional with a lot of experience. His many years in these difficult fields clearly enable him to make good decisions. Martin has the invaluable ability to think outside the box – he often comes up with fresh ideas and new impulses. Martin approaches problems from different angles and often comes up with incredible creative solutions. Martin is a respected expert within his fields. He has become a reliable go-to person for me in many requests. In his final thesis, Martin made sure in every single case to explore the necessary theoretical frameworks, but also put great emphasis on properly adjusting them in a practical context. With this approach, he was able to analyze his findings much more appropriate, and ultimately delivered a very remarkable piece of research. I am very grateful to have a mentor like Martin in my life. During his lectures I found him a very dedicated and sincere resource."
Alexander Leistner, Healing Practitioner/ Homoeopath, Germany