Strengthen Youth Skills

Our Project - School of Life

Strengthen Youth Skills, in partnership with us, we are hosting ‘The Promise of Youth’  to:
  • ➜ Physical statement - 
  • Posture, Dress style, Haircut, Practice
  • ➜ Personality statement
  • Attitude, bahaviour, character, social skills
  • ➜ Mental statement
  • Mental skills, knowledge, in depth understanding, use the mind


We take a wider perspective on work, including both paid and unpaid work situated in a wide spectrum of formal and informal settings ——

Examples include but not restricted to, gainful employment; work trial without employment relationship; work exposure programmes such as job interview tasting, skills exchange, placement, internship, and work mentorship; volunteer work of different kinds and many other forms of unrecognized informal work such as serious leisure, carer work, etc.

This expanded notion does not deny the importance of work and its positive inclusionary impact on both individual and community levels, but it helps further unpack the complexity of work in an ever changing society like Hong Kong.

This can help shed light on broadening the horizon of career and life planning and generating innovations inspired by the our principles of “live a better life with increased physical health, a strong reliable personality, able to enjoy life, and clear, open and understanding mind.”.

Target groups

We serve young people usually aged 18 to 35, who are uncertain of their future and their career and life goals.
The targets include youths as well as students with skills in schools and university with need of career and life planning service.


  1. The youths are defined as follows:
    • Employment (including young people who are unemployed, disengaged, discouraged or unavailable)
  2. Students with specific needs in schools or university with need of career and life planning service including those who are:
    • Chinese / Non-Chinese speaking
    • With special educational needs
    • Unmotivated/ demotivated
    • New-arrivals
    • Cross-border students

Pathway Exploration

  1. Provide career and life planning services for youths
  2. Provide tailor-made career and professional training services for students
  3. Support schools and university in serving students with special skills
  4. Conduct education programmes for the public, parents and the business sector
  5. Mobilize community resources to create multiple pathways for the youth; and
  6. Assist in implementing the award scheme.